There are nine "projects" in this portfolio: To see all the photos in a "project", click on that "Project" name below:
Wildlife Refuges
Early morning photo sessions with shots of Herons, Cranes, Pelicans and Eagles.
Great Egret perfectly reflected in the pond below. Bombay Hook, June 15, 2018.
Bald Eagle preparing to fly. Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, November 21, 2018.
Bald Eagle diving at me. Look how his eyes are locked on me. Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, November 21, 2018.
Blackwater Refuge: Great Blue Heron trying to catch his breakfast at early dawn, with frost on the shrubs and mist floating just above the water along the shore. December 5, 2015.
Bombay Hook, Great Blue Heron flying just above the water to a favorite feeding spot. March 11, 2019.
Blackwater Refuge: Heron pulling his head out of the water after diving for fish and coming up empty. December 5, 2015.
Red Fox walking on frozen pond, 10 feet away from me showing no fear. Blackwater Wildlife Refuge, January 15, 2019.
Great Blue Heron reflected perfectly in still water. Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, October 12, 2016.
Great Blue Heron in reeds, preparing to fly. Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, November 21, 2018.
Bombay Hook, Immature Bald Eagle, April 18, 2017
Blackwater Refuge: a pair of Bald Eagles keeping watch over their nest. December 5, 2015.
Blackwater Refuge: a flock of White Pelicans on a sandbar in the middle of a bay, over 100 yards away from the camera. Note the mist over the water muting the background shrubs and trees. December 5, 2015.
Blackwater Refuge: Great Blue Heron waiting patiently for a meal to swim by. December, 2016.
Blackwater Refuge: Heron sitting perfectly still in the mirror-like water waiting for a fish to come near. Tack-sharp focus on the eyes of both the Heron and his reflection. December 5, 2015.
Blackwater Refuge: Heron in flight. December 5, 2015.
Blackwater Refuge: Heron in flight. December 5, 2015.
Blackwater Refuge: Heron gets his fish at last! December 5, 2015.